If you are thinking about purchasing new heating or cooling equipment, 2016 is a great year to do so. This is because the nonbusiness energy property tax credit, or 25C credit, was extended until December 31, 2016. Purchasing qualifying items until this deadline will help you get a tax credit, making the item more affordable. However, you may have many questions about this. Here are a few frequently asked questions about this tax benefit when purchasing heating and cooling equipment.…
If you have an oil boiler or furnace in your home, then you likely know that proper maintenance and inspections must be completed at the beginning of the heating season to make sure it runs well all winter long. Your repair and maintenance specialist will likely change the oil filter, inspect ventilation, and make sure that your oil lines are not leaking. These tasks are the most vital to the operation of the boiler.…
Every summer, you hope beyond hope that it won’t be too hot, because whenever it gets too warm, your electric bill skyrockets. If this describes your situation, you should take a look at your air conditioner. A failing air conditioner can go through electricity pretty quickly. Here is how.
Neglecting Your Annual Maintenance
Just like your car, the motor in your air conditioner requires regular cleaning and maintenance. The best time for this is in the fall, once the leaves are gone, but before it starts to freeze outside.…