If your heat pump won’t put out warm air when you switch the mode from AC to heat, the problem might be with the reversing valve. A reversing valve malfunction can be difficult to diagnose since other failing parts can have the same symptoms. A heating repair professional can determine if the reversing valve is bad and what needs to be done about it. Here’s how a reversing valve is supposed to work, why it goes bad, and the repair options for when it malfunctions.…
If you hear an odd hissing noise coming from your air conditioner, you might have a refrigerant leak. A loss of refrigerant is not good, and your AC will slowly lose its ability to cool your home as the refrigerant escapes. Here are some things about AC refrigerant that you might want to know.
Refrigerant Is Not Supposed To Leak Out
You might think refrigerant is slowly lost over time and the HVAC technician fills it during an annual inspection.…
The inconvenience of an HVAC system not performing as expected can be alarming for homeowners. There might also be a sense of dread as they ponder whether they will need a new installation or face repairs. Many of the situations that involve loss of heat or cool air are not emergencies even though they may require repairs. However, it is important to recognize serious signals that you need emergency HVAC repair services.…